Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lip piercing - a coquettish ornament

Lip piercing
We wish to be pleasant. We wish to be beautiful, remembered. Women aspired to decorate themselves always. Probably, there are no people in which traditions there would be no means and secrets for giving to the woman of special appeal.

Egyptians applied colouring by means of henna of separate parts of a body. Indian womens and now use many of ancient methods to decorate. On a level with «war paint» ornaments were applied also. Earrings, a beads, a necklace, bracelets - are ornaments for all parts of a body.

Ornaments not only carried "over" a body, but also "passed" directly in separate parts of a body, that is did piercing. Ear rings in ears - a traditional variant of piercing. But it is possible to pierce not only ears. Now ancient traditions have become fashionable also women have recollected other kinds of piercing. One of them - lip piercing.

At this kind of piercing the ornament - лабрет - can be as on the lip in any place, and over or under a lip. Lip piercing has some variants. What is better for choosing - to solve to you, but … not the superfluous will consult and to the stylist. Probably, you will accept piercing of a lip the Jellyfish or Monroe which will look very coquettish.

Let small and voluntary, but operation and on very uneasy site of the person - nasolabial triangle. Therefore it is not necessary to hasten and save, it is necessary to choose salon and master who have good reputation. The skilled expert will make all accurately, precisely having calculated a place and a direction of a puncture taking into account individual anatomic features.

Also it is necessary to be ready to that after procedure «lip piercing» is required some time - some weeks - on puncture healing. At this time it will be necessary to observe precautions not to bring an infection. It is necessary to keep to a certain diet to avoid chemical and mechanical irritation still not begun to live wound surface.

And still … still it will be impossible to kiss. Alas, the whole five-six weeks it will be impossible to kiss!. But will pass time and if all of you have provided and have made correctly, inconveniences will be forgotten … and lip piercing will be a coquettish ornament of your person.

Jewelry BodyPiercing Shop

1 comment:

  1. There are some things that you should know before you get a lip ring, though. Most of the lip piercings, except the vertical labret, are usually both external and oral, which meaning that you will have to care for it with two different sets of treatment.
